Highlighting Progress

Institute for Foundations of Data Science
This new institute, also known as the Kline Tower Institute, advances research in the mathematical, algorithmic, and statistical foundations of data science and their application to other disciplines, helps scholars apply new methods of data science, and inspires advances in foundational research.
Institute for Foundations of Data Science
Kline Tower renovation
The extensive renovation of this landmark structure will foster new collaborations, encourage wider engagement with quantitative methodologies, and transform the pursuit of data science, statistics, mathematics, and astronomy at Yale.
Kline Tower renovation
Data Science Strategy Symposium
Held in November 2022, this gathering showcased the ways in which recent data science initiatives are already transforming work within and across disciplines at Yale. Attendees also took part in discussions about how to shape the university’s data science strategy and further investments.

Data-Intensive Social Science Center (DISSC)
This new center will serve as a campus hub for social science research that uses advanced computing to analyze large and complex datasets.
Center for Biomedical Data Science (CBDS)
This center for research and education enhances research across biomedical data science, from complex machine learning models to simulations of molecular, cellular, and organismic systems.
Section of Biomedical Informatics and Data Science (BMIDS)
A discipline at the intersection of biomedicine, computer science, and the information sciences, this section helps support the training of researchers to conduct biomedical informatics research across the academic health system.
Department of Statistics and Data Science
With the transformation of its Department of Statistics, Yale became one of the first institutions of higher learning with a department of this kind, encompassing the study of the entire lifecycle of data—from its specification and generation, gathering, and cleaning, through its management and analysis, to its use in making decisions and setting policy.
Department of Statistics and Data Science
Quantitative Biology Institute
The Institute uses the analytic tools of disciplines such as physics, mathematics, engineering, and computer science to better understand how biological systems compute, and how the structure, organization, and behavior of living systems emerge from such problem-solving, helping gain insight into the logic of life.
Quantitative Biology InstituteFaculty expansion
New faculty, including those with expertise in statistics, blockchain, cryptography, and robotics, build on Yale’s strength in these fields.

Yale Center for GeoSpatial Solutions (YCGS)
A planned cross-campus center will enable cutting-edge geospatial research and teaching.